Human resources is our priority among the factors of production since it is the one that needs to be transformed to bring about larger value to the organization and society at large. To do this, Vipawa works in partnership with other Management disciplines.
We work with an understanding that an organization is a group of people who work together to create a larger value than some of its parts.
We have a growing reputation earned as a result of helping clients reach their goals by consistently delivering innovative solutions to complex management, business and labor issues which match our client’s needs. From daily advice to advising on the most complex human resources, management issues and industrial disputes, our clients rely on our advice to guide them through all of their labor needs and when face challenges.
We pride ourselves on providing cost-effective and time-efficient services and on having strong relationships with other human resources and management personnel nationally and internationally which enables us to provide a seamless service to clients in global environments. We support our clients in managing and expanding their operations wherever they may be.
Moreover, the company has a vast experience in
Industrial Relations
Industrial relations have become one of the most delicate and complex issues in most working places today. If it has not been taken into consideration, it may lead and organization in to loss and bad reputation. Vipawa Management Group Limited has a capacity to assist organization in the following;
- Grievance handling of individuals and organization
- To conduct and advice on disciplinary matters which are labor related.
- To advice on how best organization can work with trade unions according to the labor laws and to have effective the field branch
- To negotiations on behalf of the organization and advice on the best way to conduct collective bargaining sessions.
- To help the organization in preventing labor disputes, make and use labor policy, legislation rules and regulations for the benefit of the organization, stakeholders and the employees.
Vipawa has specialists on Employment and Labor, who assist the organization on both contentious and non-contentious labor matters. It has successfully assisted a number of public and private Corporate employers involved in potentially expensive litigation brought by both employers and employees.
Through advisory opinions, the Firm has also advised a number of companies in adopting pro-active approaches to a wide spectrum of industrial relations problems. The company is also available to assist in drawing up employment contracts in line with Tanzanian labor laws, preparation of employment manuals, institution of disciplinary measures, termination of contracts of employment, redundancies/retrenchments, work permits for foreign employees, etc.
Retrenchment Management:
Vipawa Management Group Limited can provide a consultancy service on retrenchment, redundancy, downsizing or lay-off to companies. Throughout this Good Practice Note on retrenchment, we use the term “retrenchment,” which can cover a wide range of termination that do not essentially relate to the conduct or capability of the workers to a new market or the desire to improve performance or productivity, of a company by review and adjust their business plans and processes.
These mostly done at the closure of a plant, factory, mine, or other workplace, with the total or near-total loss of jobs, job losses arising from a reduction in staffing requirements due to efficiency gains or falling demand for the company's products or services job losses arising from a downsizing in operations or restructuring of the workforce following, for example, privatization.
Retrenchment is done to a good outcome lies in developing and implementing a retrenchment procedure that achieves the commercial aims of the process while minimizing the impact of job losses on workers and communities. A procedure, often encapsulated in a retrenchment plan, should be founded on widespread consultation (particularly with workers and their representatives) and should seek to ensure that the selection of workers for dismissal is based on principles that are fair and transparent and do not discriminate against particular groups.
Grievances Handling and Disciplinary Action Management:
Vipawa Management Group Limited provides consultancy to the companies/firms who are smaller or and larger on how best they can handle grievances of their employees, management and work.
The consultancy on the part of the employee is focusing on addressing frustration, demotivation, aloofness and low productivity mean while on the management is based on Labor unrest, Absenteeism, Indiscipline High labor turnover, High labor turnover.
At Work, we provide services on how to deals with Low productivity, High wastages and Increased costs. The consultancy will focus on solving the problems when they are really small rather than letting them grow to become insolvable. It will also improve the overall work conditions, develop a happy work force, keep the concentration on productivity and tackle human problems such as absenteeism, demotivation.
Discipline and Grievance Issues:
Vipawa Management Group Limited advice on the good procedures to follow while dealing with disciplinary and grievance issues consistently and fairly, with a view to minimizing them before they become uncontrollable. Fair and transparent procedures are also vital to help you avoid potential accusations of unfair dismissal.
It is prudent to have the procedures that follow the Code of Practice, and to make sure that they are adhered to. Our Consultancy services focusing on:
- Establishing the principles setting rules on handling disciplinary issues.
- Preparing the Code of Practice on Disciplinary and grievance handling procedures
- Build on the motto that the disciplinary hearing has to be going for improvement
Employee Engagement and Performance Management
The solid foundation of the Vipawa Management Group will assist the organization in choosing the best way to reward and motivate employees through a robust performance management program.
It will take time to study the organization and through its expertise will build the human resources a best practice which fits your business’ size and culture and is flexible enough to facilitate growth and development.
The company provide training program on employee benefits and recognition as well as on leadership building on collaboration with the existing business human resources and a knowledgeable human resources solution
The company will also facilitate development of the organization strategic plan to their full potential to enable the employees feel valued to reduce employee turnover, absenteeism and health care costs so that the returns on the most critical investment, workforce can focus on driving business and obtain results.
Vipawa Management Group Limited owners and managers agree that business success depends on quality and motivated employees. Its workforce is a business’ most unique and important asset, so it must be carefully cultivated and managed. Employees alone truly have the power to drive business results. That’s why keeping the workforce engaged and motivated, as well as retaining top employees positively affects a business bottom line and management
Strategic Human Resource Management
We provide an approach to managing human resources strategic human resource management supports long-term business goals and outcomes with a strategic framework.
Our focus is on a longer-term resourcing issue within the context of an organization’s goals and the evolving nature of work, and informs other HR strategies, such as reward or performance and determining how they can be integrated into the overall business strategy.
The company provides a recruitment service by ensuring that the organization get the potential and committed employees by using effective, recruitment, procedures, approaches and skills which are globally acceptable and used by doing the following.
- Provide career guidance and counseling
- Provide labor market information to job seekers, employers, training providers and the general public.
- Facilitate placement services by connecting job seekers with employers within and outside the country.
- Conduct a standardized recruitment and selection procedure Through;
- Determining vacancy
- Internal recruitment
- Recruitment advertising
- Online recruitment
- Employer branding
- Control and evaluation
- Short listing
Vipawa Management Group Limited provides a recruitment service on behalf of any organization. Staff recruitment depends on the nature and type of the company. It also depends on the methods the company want to use to obtain its applicants for employment through job advertisement, evaluating of applicants, interviewing, and selection of the best candidate
However, most large and some small employers have a formal process they usually follow in recruiting and hiring new employees. A highly professional staff at Vipawa Management Group Limited has performed a lot of these duties in recruitment.
Also, we Provide career guidance and counseling to new and existing employee of the company. Meanwhile we have our new product on Provide labour market information to job seekers employers, training providers and the general public..
Provides/Conduct Negotiations
The negotiation process to date is challenging, complex and exciting and requires a mixture of knowledge, skill, experience and intuition. Each negotiation is unique and there is no single technique for improving your company success. The following styles are more practical and used by our company:
- Distributive style
- Mixed Motive style
- Integrative style
The company has full and potential skilled persons/expertise to create win-win situation by:
- Trust building
- Capitalizing on risk
- Building influence
- Managing emotions
- Managing impasses
- Conducting negotiations as chief negotiators (neutral and impartial)
We provide a framework for conducting “win-win” negotiations through hands-on exercises and provide an opportunity to practice skills using real life case studies. Our clients will be expected to learn negotiation tactics to improve their skills in the areas of effective communication, building long-term, strategic relationships; maximizing the value available in every deal and dealing with difficult behaviors
Project Management (Monitoring and Evaluation)
While it is important to monitor the schedule of the project and maintain focus on the outcome, it is equally vital that you keep track of the costs your project is incurring failure of which will result in to project mismanagement
It is effective to monitoring throughout the lifecycle of project its viability as it enables you to give the sponsor a true picture of progress whenever you are asked for it; it reduces risk by ensuring decisions to modify or cancel the project are taken early; it identifies areas of inefficiency; and it provides valuable information for planning future projects.
Outsourcing Service
VIPAWA Management Group Limited manage all the business of sub-contracting functions by using specialist team. We have diverse team of specialist to offer service based on company needs. Our ability on manpower and work management plays a crucial role in delivering organisational performance.
Our outsourcing services can deliver tangible benefits to the organisation by freeing professionals to devote more time to a strategic role supporting organisational performance. With Vipawa Management Group will enable the company to reduced cost, increased efficiency, improved management information (including human capital metrics), increased flexibility and speed of response, reduced risk and to free management to operate more strategically.